Running Minyan in an elementary school
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Running Minyan in an elementary school

February 14, 1999 05:00AM
<HTML>Request for information about a daily minyan in a coed day school,
where the students attending are in grades 5-8.

Presently our minyan begins at 7:40 and lasts until 8:20. All
tefillot are said except for korbonot. The minyan seems to be very long
and many of our students do not daven. They talk or dream instead. I
would like to know how minyanim are structured in other schools for the
same age group. What exactly is said? How much control do the students
have over the minyan? What is the teacher, student ratio? How is the
seating done? What is done for the girls? What incentives are used to
get the student to come in time? And most important: How do you get
the student to focus on his davening and not talk? Is there any way of
knowing if the students are reading the words properly? In other words,
I would be glad of information that could be shared regarding a school
minyan. Thank you.

Aviva Wasser
Rabbi Paysach Rayman Yeshiva
Edison, New Jersey</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Running Minyan in an elementary school

YAAKOV WASSER February 14, 1999 05:00AM


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