English work-on-your-own materials for Navi
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English work-on-your-own materials for Navi

November 06, 2016 06:32AM
Looking for help from my American colleagues...

I work at a girls' Middle/High School in Israel and one of my jobs involves integrating new olot.

One of the mechanchot has asked me to find work-on-your own materials in English for Melachim Bet for an eighth grade student whose Hebrew is too weak to follow what is going on in class. Ideally, this would be a list of pshat-type questions that the student could complete on her own, using her translated Tanach, while the rest of the class is studying Navi, but could include basic questions on mefarshim as well.

I checked echinuch.org but could only find Melachim sheets in Hebrew. If someone knows where I can find questions like this in English on-line or has worksheets that they are willing to share I would appreciate it.

If I am able to find worksheets like this, I anticipate receiving requests from other mechanchot so would love to know where I can find material on other Sefarim (Torah and Neviim Rishonim) as well.

Thanks in advance!

Michelle Smilowitz
Ulpanat Ahavat Yisrael, Ramat Beit Shemesh
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English work-on-your-own materials for Navi

Michelle Smilowitz November 06, 2016 06:32AM


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