Rereading "Jewish Education in a World Adrift" by Eliezer Berkovits
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Rereading "Jewish Education in a World Adrift" by Eliezer Berkovits

December 28, 2016 06:49PM
Dear Shalom,

I've been following the posts on Lookjed for a long time. In many respects, I find that the concerns, even though they are real, miss the mark when it comes to the core essential aspects of Jewish education. מרוב עצים לא רואים את היער. It is as if the teaches and educators out there in the trenches have lost sight of why they are there to begin with. I admit to a personal bias in what concerns me. I feel that there are areas that are crucial where there are big problems and failures: Basic Hebrew reading, study skills, thinking skill, the lack of genuine experiential education connected to doing Mitzvot.

However, all of that pales when we consider that the primary goal is to inspire the child's soul. I find that there is little concern about preparing the child to be the adult, sophisticated religious, Torah Jew.

This article by Rav Berkovits - that appeared in 1970! 47 years ago! - expresses those concerns better that I have above. He speaks about the very core and essence of what we should be shooting for. His three themes affect every aspect and every lesson.

Just change some of the terminology – section 2 is about post-modernism, digital addiction as a response to boredom – and you can see how what he says is "right on the money"!

Do you agree with him? If no, then why? If yes, then what must change?

Be well,


Below is an excerpt from the closing section of the article. The full article can be accessed at
[] or as a pdf file in the Tradition archives - []

Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits

This article originally appeared in Tradition 11, 3 (1970), pp. 5-12.

We have to face the problems of Jewish education in the midst of a civilization in the process of disintegration. In a sense this may be our opportunity. In former times Jewish education had an authentic competitor—another educational system, the high school, the university, a strong, self-assured civilization that was not Jewish and that exerted a tremendous influence on our lives. It shaped and formed the Jew more than did Judaism. It was education par excellence. Beside it, Jewish education was indeed a pale and sickly plant, a not terribly attractive adjunct, something marginal and secondary to it. Today the situation has changed fundamentally. The competitor is no longer an authentic one; the competitor is dissolution itself, the disintegration of value standards that threatens to engulf our homes, our families; the competitor is emptiness, the loss of vision, the loss of faith, the loss of trust. Are we going to leave the major education of our children to a general educational system which is itself overwhelmed by a chaos of the spirit and a moral helplessness in the face of the challenge of disintegration?!


I do not know what other segments of the general community are going to do, attempting to cope with the sickness of the times. One thing I do know: we have to turn inward, on our resources of the soul and the spirit. We cannot stem the tide of disintegration with borrowed strength and borrowed values. Strength, borrowed, is weakness; values, borrowed, are worthless. As Jews we have to do something we should have done a long time ago: we should give Judaism a genuine chance to guide us and to shape our lives. Jewish education must no longer remain a marginal affair, it must move to the center of our educational responsibility toward our children. It has to fill the vacuum of values and meaning; it has to provide guidance in a time of confusion; it has to teach a way in the midst of chaos. As far as our children are concerned, Jewish education has to provide for them the vision of the future, without which youth cannot prosper and mature; moreover it has to be done at a juncture in history when the youth of the world is afraid to look beyond the passing moment and seeks its salvation in the deceptive enjoyment of a futureless Now. In this hour of a sick civilization, Jewish education can no longer be a mere adjunct to a general education which has betrayed the youth of the world. It has the responsibility to lead our youth to the sources of faith, trust, and hope; faith in life itself, trust in the meaningfulness of existence, and hope for man on this earth. If Judaism will not do it for Jews, there is nothing else left in the world to do it for them. The question is no longer, how to preserve our Jewish heritage, but how to preserve life itself in dignity and meaningfulness.

We are charged by destiny with an awesome responsibility. We need homes that in all seriousness are willing to give Judaism a chance; personal conduct on the part of parents and teachers that exemplifies the realization of Jewish values in dignity; a community at large that manages its own affairs guided by ethical principles that are drawn from the spiritual resources of Judaism. We need time for Jewish education. We need a teaching profession that enjoys the first claim on the respect of the community and deserves it. We need a Jewish community in which those very values that we undertake to communicate to our children are alive, practiced and respected. But most of all we need the understanding and the enthusiastic acknowledgment that Jewish education has to have first priority among all our local responsibilities. Indeed, it is no longer a matter of preserving Judaism, but of preserving life by the only means at our disposal.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 12/28/2016 06:49PM by mlb.
Subject Author Posted

Rereading "Jewish Education in a World Adrift" by Eliezer Berkovits

David Derovan December 28, 2016 06:49PM

Re: Rereading "Jewish Education in a World Adrift" by Eliezer Berkovits

Joel Cohn December 28, 2016 06:52PM

Re: Rereading "Jewish Education in a World Adrift" by Eliezer Berkovits

Jack Bieler December 29, 2016 08:47PM


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