Online Hebrew language classes
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Online Hebrew language classes

March 01, 2017 10:38AM
We are a small congregation interested in improving Hebrew instruction for both children and adults in a rural part of the United States of America and are faced with many challenges. Our small congregation meets only once a month, which is also the frequency in which our 17 students ages 4 to 12 meet for instruction, for many congregants drive long distances to attend service. Furthermore, our volunteer teachers have limited knowledge of Hebrew. Currently, the program uses online resources that children can access when not in school, which, to my understanding only provides letter and vocabulary recognition. No adult Hebrew classes are taught at this time.

To date, I have conversed with directors of education at a couple of larger congregations and learned of the materials that they use. All seem to find it challenging to find suitable teaching material, electing to create their own material, and do not have a solid understanding of the basics of teaching language acquisition, let alone Hebrew. Considering that this is not unique to our congregation, I write to request suggestions on how to resolve these problems.

Considering the distance between students, as well as a limited budget, I think that providing online instruction is the best route for our congregation. Is there an online Hebrew program that you recommend? I discovered [] for adult Hebrew. Does anyone have an opinion about this program?


April Maddy, Ed.M.

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/01/2017 10:40AM by mlb.
Subject Author Posted

Online Hebrew language classes

April Maddy March 01, 2017 10:38AM


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