Day School salaries
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Day School salaries

June 06, 2018 06:55AM
I have recently been involved in hiring some teachers for a Jewish school in a booming community 'somewhere in the USA'. Although experienced in the field, I have been astounded at the salary levels required by applicants, and which they claim they are currently receiving. They are all in the $75k - $90k+ range. These are non-Administrative classroom teachers.

Two factors particularly caught my attention: one was that the driving factor in all of these salary demands was the Day School tuition costs for their own children. The second was that about one in four of applicants indicated that their spouse (male in these cases) was unemployed.

Are these exceptional experiences, or is that what the field currently looks like?

Kind regards,
Michael Stein
Subject Author Posted

Day School salaries

Michael Stein June 06, 2018 06:55AM

Will Day School Be Affordable Again?

Rafi Eis June 10, 2018 08:07AM

Re: Will Day School Be Affordable Again?

Yitzchok Levine June 10, 2018 08:06PM

Re: Will Day School Be Affordable Again?

Yitzchak Jacobs June 13, 2018 07:19AM


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