Teaching the Book of Daniel
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Teaching the Book of Daniel

June 10, 2018 06:28AM
Dear All,

Our school is considering teaching sefer Daniel next year. For those who have taught the sefer, how do you teach the perakim that are in Aramaic? (Our school already owns many Mikraot Gedolot of Daniel and I do not know that it is possible to buy enough copies of Daat Mikra, which I know has a Hebrew translation.) I believe the sefer's content and messages will be a good match for our population, but how does one teach the perakim when the language is so difficult?

Thank you so much.
Norma Mintz
Rae Kushner Yeshiva High School
Subject Author Posted

Teaching the Book of Daniel

Norma Mintz June 10, 2018 06:28AM

Re: Teaching the Book of Daniel

Benjy Kramer June 17, 2018 07:22AM


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