Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?
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Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?

July 09, 2018 07:21PM
I'm in agreement with the proposition that our curricula both Judaic and secular have been watered down, and there is much evidence to support this position. But I have two questions for you and others who may want to participate in this conversation and here they are:
1. What are the principal causes for the "dumbing down" of the curriculum?
2. More importantly, what can we do about that as teachers, parents, administrators and leaders?
In friendship and in appreciation,


Richard D. Solomon, PhD, DHL
Subject Author Posted

Are our students "dumbed down"?

Yitzhak Mansdorf July 01, 2018 01:55PM

Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?

Wally Greene July 04, 2018 05:50AM

Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?

Richard D Solomon July 09, 2018 07:21PM

Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?

Tirza Kahan July 04, 2018 05:51AM

Re: Are our students "dumbed down"?

Prof. Yitzchok Levine July 05, 2018 03:52PM


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