I just finished reading an interesting article (https://spectator.us/illegal-mohammed-paedophile/) by a fellow named Douglas Murray, who cites a recent ruling by the European Court of Human Rights that declared that it is illegal to openly state or write that Mohammed was a pedophile. Mr. Murray proceeds to quote the Bukhari hadith, which is considered the most authoritative version of the sayings of and about Mohammed. In at least two places the Hadith states that Mohammed married a six-year-old girl (at the age of 53) and did not consummate the marriage until she as nine years old.
I'm not concerned about the ramifications or reasons for the European Court of Human Rights ruling, nor am I concerned with Mohammed's pedophilia.
Rather, I am interested to know if any of you have encountered someone accusing Yitzchak Avinu of being a pedophile because, according to the Midrash, he married Rivka when she was three years-old. The same question can be asked: Have people questioned you about the Gemara's comment that an adult man can have sexual relations with a girl from the age of three?
And finally, I am very interested to know you answered or would answer these questions.
Thank you very much,
David Derovan
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2018 12:00PM by mlb.