Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?
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Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

October 31, 2018 12:28PM
The other day I sat down to watch the early StarWars movies with my children. I have to say that I was horrified by the way the main cast members were presented, with overtones of sexual harassment that would be forbidden in any family oriented movie made today. With that in mind, when I read about accusations of sexual impropriety that took place 30 or 40 years ago, I wonder how we can judge the “enablers” by 21st century mores.

Let’s apply that reasoning to stories of individuals who lived thousands of years ago. Today the idea of an adult desiring to marry a child is viewed (correctly) as pedophilia. Can we apply our values to a society that viewed childhood so differently than we view it today?

We don’t need to go back thousands of years. During the year that I lived in Israel with my family, we were neighbors with a lovely young couple. The husband, who had Eastern European roots, was born and raised in Israel; the wife had immigrated to Israel from Ethiopia as a child. She laughed at the way we showed concern for our first-grader, saying that when she was seven years old in Ethiopia, she was a shepherdess in charge of her own flock of sheep.

I wouldn’t emphasize to my students that Yitzchak married a child, but if it came up I would simply say “Things were very different back in those days.”


Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 11/06/2018 12:02PM by mlb.
Subject Author Posted

Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

David Derovan October 28, 2018 02:16PM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

Sharon Freundel October 29, 2018 01:49PM

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David Fried November 05, 2018 07:13AM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

Alyssa Sonnenblick October 31, 2018 12:26PM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

sasson gabbai October 31, 2018 12:28PM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

tdaum November 04, 2018 05:59PM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

Avraham Norin November 05, 2018 06:46AM

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Yitzchak Blau November 05, 2018 07:45AM

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Russell Jay Hendel November 10, 2018 07:11PM

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Shmuel Silberman November 05, 2018 07:55AM

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Elisha Paul November 10, 2018 07:13PM

Re: Could Yitzchak have married Rivkah when she was three?

David Derovan November 12, 2018 09:29AM


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