Re: Welcome to Lookjed
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Re: Welcome to Lookjed

January 18, 1999 05:00AM
<HTML>I'd like to take this opportunity to welcome the people who began
subscribing recently. From the feedback I've received it appears that some
of you already find this a valuable resource. For my part, while the
discussion of available curricula is clearly important to educators in the
field, I am hoping for a discussion of more substantive issues as well. The
power of this medium is not only in sharing information, but in developing
ideas through open discussion among peers.

For those of you who requested copies of the Misrad HaHinukh curricula, we
are trying to get of sense of how many to order before we begin sending
them out. We also will need an address to send them to, so if you didn't
supply one with your request, please do so.

Subject Author Posted

Welcome to Lookjed

welcome to lookjed list December 27, 1998 05:00AM

Re: Welcome to Lookjed

Shalom Berger January 13, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Welcome to Lookjed

Shalom Berger January 18, 1999 05:00AM


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