Re: What books for our new Beit Midrash?
April 12, 2018 06:54AM
Dear Shalom,

Regarding the request for a wish list for a Jewish library for a DC based Jewish middle school, I would suggest the excellent series in English about Archeology and the Torah put out by the Living Torah museum. They are middle school kid friendly and faithful to tradition but still sophisticated from a Scientific perspective. Even in an era when libraries are becoming less popular and Jewish studies classes can use virtual books from it is still important to organize an actual sifria.

The power and impact of an impressive awe inspiring Jewish library should not be underestimated (think Belle being given the library in the animated version of Beauty and the Beast). I applaud the idea of creating a "Jewish makers space" as we are the people of the book, or more accurately the people of the books. If the Guttenberg Bible is the most prominently displayed book at the Library of Congress along with a specific private section on Judaica, and if donors can spend millions of dollars to build a DC Bible museum where Rashi and a Sofer are prominently featured then certainly DC area and Jewish schools nation wide should feel proud to build Judaic libraries for their students on a smaller scale.

Perhaps there is a modern extension of the Talmudic dictum in Eruvin 65b of a person's true values being reflected by "coso, ciso, and caaso-cup,wallet, and anger" and we can also add "cayso-one's book case" to tell much about what we value as individuals and as Jewish educational institutions. Actions speak volumes and in these case volumes of books convey many messages even when they are sitting on a bookshelf.

As a child I was influenced to study Torah by the presence of the Jewish books in my room that belonged to my grandfather along with the books I received for my Bar Mitzvah. Sefarim are some of the best items one can have to enhance the atmosphere of a Jewish school. The only thing I would add is students should be encouraged to continue to build their own libraries of Jewish books as well beyond the current amazing Grinspoon foundation PJ libraries, the elementary day school Chumash and Siddur ceremonies that are wonderful, and perhaps a Mishna and then a Talmud etc. ceremony is appropriate as students grow in their Jewish quotient. Many Bar and Bat Mitzvah students get many Jewish books as gifts in shuls but adding new book presentation ceremonies marking new Jewish educational milestones could be very powerful.

One of the things that will be sorely missed after their foundation winds down that Jewish communities should consider picking up is the Avichai foundation's quietly providing Jewish classics starter libraries for hundreds and by now probably thousands of day school students who transfer from public schools with minimal Jewish knowledge. Their earlier school library building initiative is worth continuing as well.

After a Tzedakah philanthropy class concluded learning Hilchot Tzedakah with teenagers, I then asked students for homework to write a one page description of what they would do if they had a million dollars of charity to give. While we reviewed a variety of excellent answers, one student asked me what I would do with the million dollars? I replied that I would give as many Jewish graduates in the country as possible a gift certificate to purchase a Jewish book to start a PJ library for adults initiative.

This does not preclude using powerful modern tools such as online resources and 3D printers to enhance the Jewish educational experiences of our students as well but a book's impact can be just as if not even more powerful.


Elisha Paul

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 04/12/2018 06:54AM by mlb.
Subject Author Posted

What books for our new Beit Midrash?

Sharon Freundel March 26, 2018 12:51PM

Re: What books for our new Beit Midrash?

Elisha Paul April 12, 2018 06:54AM

Re: What books for our new Beit Midrash?

Russell Hendel April 16, 2018 06:43AM


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