Re: Teaching the Book of Daniel
June 17, 2018 07:22AM
I have never taught Daniel nor am I an expert in the sefer.

However, there are online alternatives to making sheets and if your students have devices available in class, this could work very nicely.
1. would be an easy way to make these peraking and their translation available to them along with the mefarshim available on the side.


2. There is an online translation available in Hebrew

a. Here is a nice chart breaking up the sefer with hebrew translation - with the option of having the translation along side the aramaic

b. I do not think this is the same translation - not sure

Hope this is helpful.
Rabbi Benjy Kramer
Yeshivah of Flatbush Joel Braverman High School
Director of Educational Technology

Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 06/17/2018 07:23AM by mlb.
Subject Author Posted

Teaching the Book of Daniel

Norma Mintz June 10, 2018 06:28AM

Re: Teaching the Book of Daniel

Benjy Kramer June 17, 2018 07:22AM


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