Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School
June 19, 2018 05:17PM
Sara Susswein Tesler's interesting piece sparked a few thoughts in my head.

1. The article more than once refers to Torah MiSinai, but that term is about the Oral Torah, not the Written Torah. It is obvious that much of the Written Torah includes events in Moshe's lifetime that are post-Sinai. The main issue is Torah min hashamayim, a different concept.

2. There is a big difference between minority shittot views that a few verses are post-Mosaic and Bible Criticism which says whole chunks are. The RCA has spoken on this matter. []. We need to be honest with students about which sort of reconciliations are possible and which are not.

3. It matters why a student has trouble with a traditional doctrine. Is it because the student sees that the academics have powerful arguments? Is it because academics are simply trusted in what they say? Is it because the student doubts that a verse is divine i.e. not revealed to any Navi, and Mosaic authorship is not the issue? Each would warrant a different response.
Subject Author Posted

Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Sara Susswein Tesler June 17, 2018 07:43AM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Shmuel Kaufmann June 18, 2018 07:01AM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Shmuel Silberman June 19, 2018 05:17PM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Heshy Grossman June 21, 2018 05:49PM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Russell Jay Hendel June 21, 2018 06:40AM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Aaron Marcus June 24, 2018 06:52AM

Re: Discussion topic: Teaching Biblical Scholarship in a Modern Orthodox High School

Sholom Eisenstat July 01, 2018 08:42AM

Lower Criticism

Russell Jay Hendel July 04, 2018 05:52AM


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