<HTML>In August 1997, the 3rd edition of "A Classification System For Librariesof Judaica" was published by Jason Aronson Inc.(New Jersey USA). The authors, David and Daniel Elazar (Rishon LeZion and Jerusalem) contend that there was and is a need for a classification system for libraries with Judaic collections to classify and arrange these collections according to Jewish concepts based upon Jewish thought and terminology. This is in
contrast to the familiar classification schemes like Dewey and LC which incorporate the Bible, Judaism and Israel into the general world of knowledge without relating them to each other in the spirit of Jewish Tradition.
A description in detail of
including discussions by librarians who have used previous editions is available on the Elazar home page at the following URL:
To join the ELAZAR CLASSIFICATION SYSTEM DISCUSSION GROUP (monitored), go to the following web site:
Enter you e-mail address in the appropriate window and "press" the "Join List" button.
That's it for now.
Shalom, Shalom</HTML>