Teaching Amnon and Tamar
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Teaching Amnon and Tamar

April 15, 1999 04:00AM
I am involved in an adult education program in which I am learning Samuel
2 b'chevruta. We are now studying the narrative about Amnon and Tamar, and
my chevruta is very disturbed by the incident, especially by King David's
reactions to Amnon's behavior. Might someone be able to suggest an
article or commentary that treats this issue in depth? Thank you.
Kol Tuv,
Allison Berger

[As a beginning I'd suggest the article "Megillat Bat-Sheva" by Rav Yaakov
Meidan that appeared in *Megadim* Vol. 18-19, Shvat 5753, for
background/context. Shalom]</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Teaching Amnon and Tamar

Allison Berger April 15, 1999 04:00AM


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