Preparing Day school graduates for college
May 16, 1999 04:00AM
<HTML>As the end of the school year approaches, I've been wondering how (or if)
educators prepare their students for the religious issues that their
students will/may encounter in college.

Some topics that might be relevant: Halachot pertaining to living with
others (hefker items, damages, respecting roommates, living with people
who are more machmir/mekel) Torah Umada, Religious/Secular issues, kashrut
issues (and other issues) which derive from Jewish/non-Jewish living
situations, school and chol hamoed, eruv techumin, avoda zara, practical
kitchen kashrut, tevilat kelim, mezuza etc.

kol tuv,
meira josephy</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Preparing Day school graduates for college

Meira Josephy May 16, 1999 04:00AM


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