Israel's climate
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Israel's climate

January 20, 1999 05:00AM
<HTML> A. Weather - It has been our good fortune here in Israel to enjoy the first sustained rainfall of the winter. Nevertheless the situation is bad enough that the Chief Rabbinate has not yet rescinded its order to add a special Tfilat Geshem in Shma Koleinu (it appears in the Rinat Yisrael siddurim or in its source in the Tur Orach Chaim 579). Having students say it in their Tefila emphasizes Devarim 11:10-12, gives them a sense of
connection with the goings-on in Israel, and may even help the situation here.

B. Politics - The upcoming Israeli elections are another opportunity to have students become more aware of the Israeli scene (as well as our need for Divine assistance, and, perhaps, Shoftim ch. 9). Two sources of information on political parties can be found at:

There are many readily available sources for current Israeli news,

Shalom, Shalom</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Israel's climate

Shalom Berger January 20, 1999 05:00AM


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