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October 11, 1999 04:00AM


Kushner Yeshiva High School - Yeshiva Tichonit Beit Yosef - prepares
American Jewish adolescents with the tools necessary to face challenges
posed by contemporary society. Fashioned upon the finest principles of
Modern Orthodoxy, the school offers a program of Jewish and General
Studies premised on academic excellence.

Through a sensitive and progressive educational program, Kushner Yeshiva
High School promotes Ahavat Hashem - love of G-d, love of Judaism, love of
life, Derekh Eretz and allegiance to Halacha- Jewish law. Beyond the needs
of the mind, Yeshivat Beit Yosef attends to the needs of the heart,
creating a school Avira - an atmosphere conducive for religious and
emotional growth.

Western culture and American democratic values are embraced at Kushner
Yeshiva High School as important vehicles in the formation of Adam
Ha-shalem - the fully developed individual. The science of critical
inquiry and the development of young people to think, act and analyze
texts independently are hallmarks of a Kushner Yeshiva High School
education. Provided with the mechanisms for independent decision making,
students are able to take pride in defending their beliefs. They develop a
keen sense of justice and are taught to behave as responsible citizens in
American society.

We stand committed to providing the necessary human and material resources
required by a progressive education that sets excellence as its standard.
Our program challenges each student appropriately, according to the level
of his/her ability. Furthermore, each and every student who matriculates
through Kushner Yeshiva High School will be well prepared for acceptance
to the finest Jewish and secular institutions of higher learning. Kushner
Yeshiva High School promotes an atmosphere which provides young women and
men with equal opportunities in both Jewish and General Studies. We
believe that this comprehensive program is essential for the education of
American Jewish youth. A Kushner Yeshiva High School curriculum includes
the following disciplines: Tannach; Oral Law - Mishna, Talmud, Codes,
practical religious living; Modern Hebrew Literature and Language; Jewish
History; Jewish Thought; Ethics; Mathematics; Science; English Literature
and Language; Social Studies; Cultural and Fine Arts; Foreign Language;
Physical Education; Computer Science. Students are encouraged to
participate in extracurricular activities in order to enrich their high
school experience.

Yeshiva Tichonit Beit Yosef claims a special bond to The State of Israel
and recognizes its formation and continued existence as a religiously
positive development in Jewish and World history. The rebirth of modern
Hebrew language is viewed as a significant expression of Israel's
nationhood and vitality. In an Ivrit b'Ivrit school, Kushner Yeshiva High
School students are taught to become fluent in Hebrew. The Land of Israel
- plays an important role in the religious and cultural lives of Jews. Our
students are encouraged to support and visit the State, pursue their
studies after High School at Israeli institutions and consider Aliya.

Our aim is to promote a life-long commitment to the Jewish people,
nurturing a sense of kinship and unity with Jews throughout the world.
Klal Yisrael - commitment to Jewish community - is a supreme value that is
actualized through programs of Hesed and community service requirements.

To successfully educate a young person, the school sphere must encompass
the entire family. Children grow with their families and families grow
because of their children. Parental involvement is a critical component of
the student's high school experience. Kushner Yeshiva High School provides
programming that touches the family in addition to the individual student.

Yeshiva Tichonit Beit Yosef students will appreciate and embrace the
process of continuous life-long learning. Furthermore, as part of Kushner
Yeshiva High School, they become connected to a much broader universe of
individuals with this common value - motivating, encouraging and inspiring
each other to accomplish great achievements.</HTML>
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Rabbi S.Berman October 11, 1999 04:00AM


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