Navi/Sefer Shoftim
February 01, 1999 05:00AM
<HTML>I would be interested in hearing from people who have given some thought to what N'viim Rishonim to teach in the K-8 years. Why study Navi at this age? What are the key ideas for children to understand? How much of a structural overview do children need to understand an individual book? Would you ever teach a part of a book (only a selection of shoftim, for example)? What resource would you draw on? Are there established curricula that you have written or used?

Thank you.
Pearl Tendler Mattenson
Beit Rabban Center/HaSha'ar -NYC
8 West 70th St. NYC 10023</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Navi/Sefer Shoftim

Pearl Mattenson February 01, 1999 05:00AM


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