Yael Friedman's query offers me the opportunity to remind lookjed readers of the many online resources from Israeli educational institutions that offer resources that can be of use to educators throughout the world.
A relatively new resource (recently referred to by Gitta Jaroslawicz-Neufeld) is Herzog College's Tanakh Portal, which is available in both Hebrew and English. It includes, for example, several articles by Elchanan Samet, who literally wrote the book(s) on Eliyahu and Elisha. See
Among the older online resources are daat.ac.il and mikranet - [
mikranet.cet.ac.il], both of which have many articles online. On this particular topic, for example, one can find Adin Steinslatz' article on Elisha - [
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 02/05/2017 08:15AM by mlb.