Re: Teaching the story of Yakov's blessing
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Re: Teaching the story of Yakov's blessing

October 04, 1999 04:00AM
Regarding Yitzchak's Bracha --

I believe that asking why Yitzchak didn't check who he was giving the
Bracha to avoids the real questions.

What is a Bracha?
How can someone "steal" a Bracha (presumably something spiritual)?

If the answer is that a Bracha, by definition, will affect only the person
who is supposed to get it, then it is irrelevant whether or nor Yitzchak
knew who was standing in front of him. See Yehuda Nachshoni's _Hagut
BiParshiyot HaTorah_ who discusses some of these issues.

I once heard in the name of Rav Kook that Yitzchak was specifically
pleased to find that the individual standing before him had Yaakov's voice
but Eisav's hands, as he hoped that the combination would guarantee the
future of Israel. In fact, he wanted to give the spiritual Bracha to
Eisav, the physical man, to raise him to a level where he would be capable
of playing a role in that future. Does anyone have a source for this idea?

Yitz Jacobs</HTML>
Subject Author Posted

Teaching the story of Yakov's blessing

Rabbi Penn September 23, 1999 04:00AM

Re: Teaching the story of Yakov's blessing

Yisroel Frankforter October 05, 1999 04:00AM

Re: Teaching the story of Yakov's blessing

Yitz Jacobs October 04, 1999 04:00AM


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