<HTML>III. Hebrew Fonts
R' Benjamin, you also wrote:
<<You mentioned previously that there is a web site at www.limud.com this is the Misrad HaHinukh's website. edÙ however I can either not get Hebrew characters at all (at home without Hebrew windows) or I cannot get them forward, only backwards (in school with Hebrew windows). I cannot figure
out how to fix that. I have found sites that tell you how to fix it but
none of those methods worked. If you have any insights - let me know.>>
--Again, I share your frustration regarding this matter. Much as I tried I was unable to install Hebrew for the www on my Mac, and I miss the capability to email in Hebrew which is currently available to PC Hebrew Windows users only. I would welcome any input on this matter.
Tamar Friedman
Director of Judaic Studies
Hillel Torah, Chicago Ill</HTML>