<HTML>Regarding Steven Penn's query:
The addition of the "Vav" before "Amar Lei" means what a "Vav" usually
means in Gemara. It means "and". The Gemara is indicating that it is
continuing to quote another statement from the same person who was quoted
before. This often (but not always) means that the Gemara is moving off to
a tangent, and is making use of the last quote to springboard to other
issues discussed by that particular Amora. It is worthwhile mentioning
that a statement introduced by the Gemara with the word "Amar" is
invariably an Amoraitic statement rather than a Tannaitic one, something
that is helpful to know in order to understand the kinds of questions that
can be asked on it.
Regarding Shalom Berger's suggestion for reading up on these topics:
Mielziner taught in the Reform movement's Hebrew Union College at the turn
of the last century. His book should be used with caution. I would
recommend Rav Shmuel HaNagid's "Mevo HaTalmud" which is printed after
Massechet Brochos in every Shas, or Rav Yosef Caro's "Klalei HaGemara"
which appears in the book Halichos Olam</HTML>
Edited 1 time(s). Last edit at 03/13/2008 12:31PM by mlb.