Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools
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Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

January 31, 1999 05:00AM
<HTML>Dear Rabbi Berger,

First of all I wanted to thank and congratulate you for the tremendous service you are providing to the educational community with this list. Communication is lacking and facilitating it will be of great use to many.

I wanted to comment on Rabbi Grumet's thoughts that not only is there a problem with over-emphasis of Gemara at the high-school level, but also at the post high-school level. Being in contact with many young men who spend a year (or more) learning in a Yeshiva in Israel, I have noticed a serious
lack of background in Tanach, Halachah, Jewish History, Jewish Philosophy, Ethics, and even Hebrew grammar. There seems to be an obsession with improving one's Gemara and analytical skills at the cost of all other subjects. While I think this may be acceptable to the students that are committed to a "Chinuch" track and will eventually beef up on these areas, to the vast majority of students that will go on to pursue careers in the
secular world, and may not have another opportunity to be immersed in a learning environment, I feel it is an improper allotment of their learning time.

I'd be interested to hear other people's thoughts on the subject, and what programs or curricula are out there that deal with this issue.

Bentzi Spitz
Alon Shvut
Subject Author Posted

Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Shalom Berger January 24, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Rabbi Benjamin Kramer January 22, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Shalom Berger January 25, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Aaron Ross January 24, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Aryeh Klapper January 24, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Lisa Schlaff January 24, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Shalom Berger January 27, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Rabbi Jack Bieler January 25, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Sasson Gabbai January 25, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Danny Newman February 01, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Shalom Berger February 01, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Steve Bailey January 28, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Rabbi S.Berman January 25, 1999 05:00AM

Teaching Gemara -- Do curricula really work?

Rabbi Zvi Grumet January 27, 1999 05:00AM

Teaching Gemara -- Skills vs. analysis

Yitzchak Blau January 27, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Seth Farber January 28, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Bentzi Spitz January 31, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Tamar Friedman January 31, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Rabbi Chaim Kosofsky February 01, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Tamar Fried January 31, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Rabbi Chaim Kosofsky February 01, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Steven Penn February 10, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Shalom berger February 11, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Sasson Gabbai February 15, 1999 05:00AM

Hilul Shabbat for non-Jews

yitzchak jacobs February 17, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

Alan J. Wecker February 19, 1999 05:00AM

Re: Creating a Gemara curriculum in American Day Schools

sid slivko March 13, 2008 02:23PM


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