Israel at War Lesson Plans

Tehillim Lesson Plan for Grades 8 and Up (Chapters 121 and 130)



Have students learn through Tehillim 121 and Tehillim 130 in havrutot. Have them write out their thoughts and ask questions. 

Next, have students go through some or all of the reflection questions below. These can be done individually, in havrutot, or using a class discussion tool (like a graffiti board or gallery walk). Remember that not all of these questions will be appropriate for all of your students. Choose the ones that will work in your classroom. 

Finally, choose one of the learning activities at the bottom of the page, or offer students to choose one that appeals to them. 

Guiding Questions for a Reflective Exploration of these Perakim

Tehillim 121:

  1. What is meant by “the mountains” in the first verse? Why do you think that imagery is used?
  2. Notice that the chapter is in first person (“my help”). Do you feel a personal relationship with God? If yes, when do you feel it most? If not, do you think it could be cultivated? 
  3. What are the different ways the Psalmist refers to God in this chapter? Do you connect to any of them specifically? Why? 
  4. Have you ever felt that God has helped you directly?
  5. In what moments (historically) have the Jewish people experienced God’s direct salvation? 

Tehillim 130:

  1. What do you think is meant by “depths?” What are your moments of “depth?” 
  2. Have you ever called out to/prayed to God when you were at a low point?
  3. The Talmud (Berakhot 10b) learns from this Tehilla that we should call out to God from the depths (ממעמקים) and therefore in many synagogues, the leader prays from a lower place than the rest of the congregation. Why do you think this is? How might that impact one’s prayer? 
  4. Does it help you to have a “script” in talking to God/asking for Divine help?
  5. What words would you use when calling out to God during dark times? 
  6. How can one maintain faith during very dark times? What advice would you give to someone who was struggling with faith during difficult times? 

Learning Activity

  1. Photography: Have students choose one image from one of the Tehillim and, using their phones or cameras, go and find something on their school campus that connects to this image or theme and take a picture. You can then create a class montage or slideshow of images related to Tehillim. This can be used whenever you say these perakim as a class. 
  2. Art: Follow the instructions from above using other art mediums (paint, clay, paper/markers, collage with magazine cutouts, etc.). 
  3. Compare and contrast the 2 chapters. Both are traditionally used in times of distress but have different themes/ideas. Ask students to identify similarities and differences and then to decide which tehilla they would choose and why. 
  4. Music: let students listen to some of the many musical versions or adaptations of these Tehillim and ask them to record their thoughts/ideas while listening. What new perspectives or ideas came up as they listened to the words rather than reading them? Remind the students that Tehillim are, at their very essence, songs. Below are a few versions (please make sure to listen first and choose ones that are appropriate for your classroom) 