Below is a collection of Talmud lesson plans, interactive tools, and articles created by The Lookstein Center staff or contributed to the site by Jewish educators.
Talmud Vocabulary Word Frequency List – This is a list of words that appear in the Talmud along with their frequency. This can help teachers determine the relative importance of a particular vocabulary word.
Mishna Vocabulary Word Frequency List – This is a list of words that appear in the Mishna along with their frequency. This can help teachers determine the relative importance of a particular vocabulary word.
Alphabetical Index of Talmud Topics – This online index of WebShas content is listed in English alphabetical order.
Daf Yomi Advancement Forum – Archives of charts, graphs, insights, and summaries of every page of Gemara.
Tackling Talmud – This issue of The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, addresses the way that Talmud is and should be taught today in Jewish schools.
PBL, Meaning-Making, and Teaching Talmud – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, analyzes a different approach to teaching Talmud.
Why Learn Gemara? – This article by Rav Aharon Lichtenstein analyzes the importance of studying the Talmud.
“So What?!”: Talmud Study Through Values Analysis – In this article, Rabbi Scott Berman suggests that all sugyot of Talmud can be mined for values and meaning.
Curriculum, Crisis, and Change: Towards a Talmud Curriculum Grounded in Educational Theory – In this article, David Stein argues for a spiraled curriculum rooted in educational theory for Talmud which will allow teachers to simultaneously engage students in skills and meaning.
What are the Essential Questions and Structures of Talmud Study? – In this article, Yaakov Jaffee argues for refocusing on the essential questions and structures of the Talmud.
A Mock Bet Din – In this article, Ira Kosowsky provides the framework for using a mock bet din in the classroom as an interactive Talmud assessment.
The Mercava – This website allows for interaction with the books of the Talmud, displayed in its original format.
Lev Ladaat – This Hebrew educational site is a combined effort of the religious public school system and Herzog College in Israel. It is geared towards meaningful education and has links to lesson plans and ideas for a variety of Jewish subjects and texts.
AlHatorah Mishna – This Hebrew website allows users to choose from a wide variety of texts and commentaries and to color code the text of the Mishna.
AlHatorah Gemara – This Hebrew website allows users to choose from a wide variety of texts and commentaries and to color code the text of the Gemara.
Dicta – This website has many analytical tools for Hebrew texts, including a tool to search the Talmud by word, a citation tool for Talmudic texts, and more.
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