Below is a collection of articles, lesson plans, and resources created by The Lookstein Center staff or contributed to the site by Jewish educators to help students cope with trauma.
Talking to Students About Antisemitism – This collection of tips, strategies, lesson plans, and resources is geared to assist teachers in approaching this difficult topic in the classroom. By The Lookstein Center.
Coping with Disaster – This lesson plan offers teachers some tools for helping students cope immediately after a disaster. By The Lookstein Center.
Assessing a Student’s Need for Intervention in a Crisis – These tips and strategies help teachers and other school professionals to determine a student’s need for help during a crisis situation. Compiled by The Lookstein Center.
Long-Term Follow-up to Crisis Situations – These tips help assess a student’s need for immediate and long-term care following a crisis. From the California Department of Mental Health.
A Generic Framework for Discussing a Terror Attack – This guide for teachers can help generate meaningful and helpful discussions with students following terrorist attacks. By the PSHE Association.
The Community Stress Prevention Center – This website provides helpful resources for helping cope with stress within a community.
Helping Children and Adolescents Cope with Traumatic Events – This resource from SoCal Sunrise Mental Health explores how children experience trauma as well as practical steps to take to help them cope.
Blogs AND articles
Helping Your Children (and Yourself) Cope with Crisis – This blog post describes methods and best practices to help yourself and your children cope with a crisis situation. By Dr. Myron Friedman for The Lookstein Center.
Excerpt from: Protocol for Treatment of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder – This excerpt from the book by Mooli Lahad analyzes how to help identify and address stress and trauma in others.
Excerpt from: The Road to Resilience – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, reviews methods for coping with difficult times. By Sherri Mandell.
The Roots of Resilience – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, explores strategies for getting through crisis and gaining resilience. By Sharon Freundel.
Caring for Our Caregivers: Supporting and Increasing Faculty Efficacy – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, discusses the need to provide sufficient teacher support, which is even more important during times of crisis. By Oshra Cohen, Shifra Schapiro, and Merav Tal-Timen.
Are Safe Spaces Dangerous? – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, explores the importance of giving students the freedom to express their feelings and opinions. By Jordan Soffer.
Why I Teach the Shoah in Fifth Grade – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, explains the importance of addressing difficult subjects, even with younger students. By Nance Adler.
Teaching Israel, Teaching Truth: A Personal View from the Front – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, shares perspectives on teaching about the situation in Israel in an open and honest way. By Steve Israel.
Using the Flame to Fight the Darkness: Depression in Jewish Adolescents – This article from The Lookstein Center’s journal, Jewish Educational Leadership, explores how educators can help to detect and treat depression in students. By Vicky Gilpin.
Addressing Students’ Triggers: Tips for Trauma-Informed Classroom Design – This article from Online Counseling Programs provides design tips for a trauma-informed classroom, tips for teachers and counselors providing trauma-informed care, and more.
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder – This article from Florida Rehab examines the causes, symptoms, and types of PTSD.
Preventing Self-Harm – This article from Zocdoc provides tools for appropriate intervention to prevent self-harm in teenagers.
Have anything to add to the list? Contact us at content@lookstein.org.