Birkat Hamazon 12

  • 50 minutes
  • Grades:
  • Lesson Plan

This lesson contains a review test for assessment purposes.


Some teachers may wish to include a review test for assessment purposes, either at the end of the unit of work, or in the middle of it, or both. Another alternative is to use these questions for a homework assignment (an open-book test with its relative advantages/disadvantages). The week before the test date is set, teachers should tell students to revise the material for homework. The teacher may also choose to use the questions below as a quiz within a lesson (verbal or written).

The “Mid-Unit” test has questions on just the first half of the unit and is for use after lesson 6, whereas the “Final Review Test” has questions on lessons 7 to 11. In this second quiz, there is a final general question that involves knowledge from all areas of the unit. The Birkat Hamazon text can be found in the appendix.



Mid-Unit Review Test on Birkat Hamazon Please complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, and hand in to your teacher with your name and class clearly labeled at the top of the page. Please note the marking scheme that your teacher will be following, taking into account the relative importance of each question by its mark. The higher the mark the more time and effort that should be devoted to the question.

  1. Summarize the content of the first paragraph of Birkat Hamazon: “Hazan Et HaKol”. [4]
  2. Summarize the content of the second paragraph of Birkat Hamazon: “Nodeh Lecha/ Ve’al HaKol”. [4]
  3. Summarize the content of the third paragraph of Birkat Hamazon: “Rachem/U’vneh.” [4]
  4. Summarize the content of the fourth paragraph of Birkat Hamazon: “Ha-El Avinu”. [4]
  5. Summarize the content of the fifth paragraph of Birkat Hamazon: “Harachamans until the end. [4]
  6. How does ritual within Judaism help us to relate to material things and the role they play in our lives? Explain your answer fully. [5]
  7. “If everything in the world comes from God, then why bother to go to work? All people should just pray to God for the things that they need”. Comment on this statement bringing proof for your approach from Birkat Hamazon. [5]
  8. Explain the importance of the Temple in Jewish history and Jewish practice. [3]
  9. Now the temple has been destroyed, what practices do we have to replace those from the Temple? [5]
  10. What is the connection between the Temple and Birkat Hamazon and why is it a prominent theme within Birkat Hamazon? [2]

Final Grade: /40


Final Review Test on Birkat Hamazon

Please complete the following questions on a separate sheet of paper, and hand to your teacher with your name and class clearly labeled at the top of the page. Please note the marking scheme that your teacher will be following, taking into account the relative importance of each question by its mark. The higher the mark the more time and effort that should be devoted to the question.

  1. Summarize the first and second paragraphs of Birkat Hamazon. [3]
  2. Do these two texts have anything to contribute to modern day environmental ethics?[3]
  3. Quote two other ideas/texts from Judaism that add to our understanding of Judaism’s approach to the environment. [3]
  4. Define a brakha and a Prayer within Judaism. [4]
  5. Write a short paragraph for each of these justifying Birkat Hamazon as an example of each one. [6]
  6. How many reasons can you think of for keeping mitzvot in general? [5]
  7. What about saying Birkat Hamazon? How would you convince someone who doesn’t usually keep this mitzvah to perform it? [6]
  8. Quote three examples of verses from the Tanakh that contribute an idea or a text to Birkat Hamazon, and explain the significance of the verse. [10]
  9. Explain five halakhot surrounding the Birkat Hamazon ritual. [5]
  10. Birkat Hamazon is not just a mitzvah, but an educational experience, educating us towards some of the most important ideas of Judaism”. Discuss this statement, bringing textual support for your argument from Birkat Hamazon and other texts that you have learnt. [15]

Final Grade: /60




