Chana’s Anguish and Triumph, Part 1
This unit is a Multiple Intelligence unit on Samuel I 1-2:11. The unit utilizes the following intelligences: Linguistic, Interpersonal, and Bodily-Kinesthetic.
Lesson objectives
The student will be able to:
- Describe Elkana and his family (1:1-2).
- Outline the family’s yearly trip to Shiloh, including Elkana’s and Penina’s behavior toward Chana (1:3-8).
- Relate the encounter between Eli and Chana (1:9-18).
- Describe the birth and naming of Shmuel (1:19-20).
- Describe the fulfillment of Chana’s promise (1:21-28).
- Describe Chana’s feelings throughout the story.
Students will be able to study the text in hevrutah with the help of a word list.
Students will appreciate that teasing can cause pain and harm towards other people.
Resources & Equipment needed
- Match students together for hevrutah study and tell them to learn the first chapter using the word list if necessary. They should use the worksheet questions as a guide for study.
- Follow hevrutah guidelines below to make sure that class time is used as efficiently and effectively as possible.
- Discuss main ideas as a class, asking questions for basic understanding. You may want to review the worksheet questions. Note tefillat Chana in perek bet as Chana’s triumphant return to Shiloh with Shmuel.
Guidelines for Hevrutah study:
Match similar leveled students together, and medium students with a weaker one. The teacher should spend as much time as possible assisting weaker groups. Designate learning time, then discussion time, then more learning time to guide your students to use their time well. Don’t let more than 10-12 minutes go by without having a quick comprehension discussion. Choose a few key verses and vocabulary words to back up your points. Periodically alternate hevrutot within the class (over the course of the year). Support hevrutah study by periodically polling students with questionnaires on their hevrutot, assessing each student’s personal opinion of her perceived progress, respect, and affection for his/her hevrutah. Circulate during hevrutah study to assist all groups and assess the efficiency of groups working together. Avoid hevrutot larger than 2 people whenever possible (students preferring to learn alone, usually stronger students, should be allowed to do so).