This unit was designed to help students learn more about the Haggadah and how to actively participate in the Pesach Seder. Click here to see the full lesson.

This unit was designed to help students learn more about the Haggadah and how to actively participate in the Pesach Seder. Click here to see the full lesson.
In this Multiple Intelligences unit, students review Shmuel Aleph, 4-7:2 by building a three-dimensional display of ancient Israel and the Ark. Students then read through the text and selected commentaries, and will ‘act out’ the storyline, using the display.
This lesson focuses on the gathering of twelve stones from the Yarden and the building of the monument in Gilgal.
This is the final lesson in a four-lesson unit. In this lesson, students look at war and peace from the perspective of Biblical history and Jewish ethics by studying traditional Jewish texts. Students will be challenged to consider how Judaism synthesizes war and peace.
This is the third lesson in a four-lesson unit. In this lesson, students look at war and peace from the perspective of Biblical history and Jewish ethics by studying traditional Jewish texts. Students will be challenged to consider how Judaism synthesizes war and peace.
This is the second lesson in a four-lesson unit. In this lesson, students look at war and peace from the perspective of Biblical history and Jewish ethics by studying traditional Jewish texts. Students will be challenged to consider how Judaism synthesizes war and...
This unit on gzela and gneva includes sources in Hebrew and English and study questions. By Yehuda Eisenberg. Reproduced with permission.
This lesson compares free men to slaves and argues that Bnei Yisrael had to undergo a spiritual transformation before entering the Eretz Yisrael, based on perek gimmel of Sefer Yehoshua.
In this lesson, students study the story of Shmuel’s first prophecy and then express the storyline in drama/creative writing/art.