Why Learn Talmud?
Some of the articles in this issue describe the joy of studying Talmud, others break down the complex processes to make it more accessible to students or to enable the students to engage with it meaningfully. And just to make sure that we covered the bases of both the how and the why of Talmud study, we asked our authors to weigh in separately on the question: “Why do you think that day school students should be learning Gemara/Rabbinics?” Their responses—representing a very wide range of ideas—appear below.
We invite you to join that discussion—contribute your own answer to this question using the comment box at the top or reply to our authors directly by clicking the reply button under each comment. Let us all learn from one another.
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Fascinating. Infuriating. Uplifting. Complex. Boring. Inconsistent. Logical. Brilliant. Eclectic. Irrelevant. Compelling. Frustrating. Inspiring. Ancient. Contemporary. The Talmud evokes all the above, and more. I vividly remember my first encounter with Gemara. I must have been ten years old, and my family was in a bungalow colony in the Catskills. Rabbi Cohen taught Gemara to the older boys, of which I was not, but I asked permission to sit in and listen. I loved following the discussions and debates, even though I couldn’t read any of it and retained none of the content.

The Block Method for Teaching Gemara
By its very nature, teaching Gemara seems to defy everything we know about education. When we teach math, or language, or anything else, we start with the simple and easy-to-grasp aspects of the study area and gradually increase the level of challenge and difficulty. For example, we begin with addition and slowly move on to subtraction, multiplication, and division. We certainly don’t touch algebra until these are firmly in place. One couldn’t imagine a math class that requires knowledge of Pythagoras’ theorem presented to a class that has not yet mastered multiplication.

The Puzzling Talmud
A sixteen-year-old American Jewish day school student named Brandon (a self-chosen pseudonym) reports that he likes studying Talmud. What does he like about it? “I like the process,” he says. “It is kinda like a puzzle, that you have to get each word, and fill it in so it creates the whole text.” Brandon approaches his study of Talmud knowing that it’s going to be hard. Every word might take some effort to decode. Eventually, however, he can put it all together.

A Multidimensional Approach to Teaching Rabbinics
Pressman Academy is an early childhood through 8th grade school in Los Angeles serving a religiously diverse group of students. The school’s Judaics program, which includes Hebrew language, Jewish history, Tanakh, and daily prayer, affords a maximum of two weekly periods to teaching Rabbinics (in grades 5-8), presenting a significant challenge of what to include and how to approach it.

The Sanhedrin is in Session: Experiencing Rabbinic Literature
On Tuesday morning Rabban Gamliel called the gathered people to order. A letter had arrived from a northern district court in the Galilee which required the attention of the Sanhedrin. Rabban Gamliel took his seat at the head of the semi-circle of esteemed Rabbinic colleagues. R. Yehoshua sat on one side of him and R. Eliezer sat on the other.

Replacing Relevance with Relationship
A relationship to Talmud study is highly valuable to those who possess it. Few other activities manage to combine elements of intellectual inquiry, spiritual questing, and moral development in the almost alchemical way that the study of Talmud does. And yet, there are a number of hurdles students must overcome in order to develop an independent relationship with the Talmud. First and foremost, studying Talmud in the original Hebrew and Aramaic can feel scary to the uninitiated. Second, the logic of the Talmud is foreign to students at first. Finally, students may wonder what a text from 1500 years ago might have to say to them.

Teaching Talmud in Secondary Schools: Masorah and Modernity
Teaching of Talmud in traditional secondary schools has been a conundrum from the day it was decided to teach Talmud as part of the standard Jewish studies curriculum. Programs for yeshiva high school graduates in Israel and around the world are consistently populated by an overwhelming percentage of students who, even after six years of multiple weekly hours of Talmud instruction in secondary schools, are helpless in the independent study of Talmud. These students are successful independent learners of advanced mathematics, natural sciences, complex technology, and even humanities, but in Talmud, they require an embarrassing degree of spoon-feeding.

Pre-Mishnah: The Missing Link
I teach 5th grade Judaics at Fuchs Mizrachi School, a Modern Orthodox Zionist school (Cleveland). Upon entering the world of Torah SheBe’al Peh, a student is first greeted by the Mishnah—a complex and sophisticatedly interwoven compendium of Jewish law and wisdom. Students struggle to understand its relevance, how and why it was created, and its importance to the scope of their Torah learning. They ask, “Why are we learning Oral Torah?” and “Why should I care?” but underlying those questions is the more fundamental, “What is the Oral Torah?” While some choose to address this piecemeal over the span of many years, I believe that it is important to address it up front, in an organized manner.

Anatomy of a Gemara Lesson
You have been there, too, right? You thoroughly prepared a Gemara lesson by formalizing how you will explain the shakla vetarya, you concocted attention-grabbing examples and cases, charts to organize the conflicting opinions, and provided a translation and question practice worksheet. You slowly read the Gemara aloud while students annotated the text or completed linear translation sheets. You patiently and clearly explained the concepts and reasoning on a first, second, and even third pass of the reading.

Making the Case for Agada
The rabbis of the Talmud were intentional and thoughtful educators; an example of their consummate pedagogic skill is the way they interspersed narratives into their halakhic writings and teachings. Their use of agadot is an effective teaching tool because, simply put, people love stories. We evolved to tell stories, to become compelled by stories, to connect to the characters, drama, and tension in stories. Stories draw in our students and they have the power to make them care.

Tokhehah Leshem Shamayim
One day, in a 7th grade lesson during our unit on tokhehah (the mitzvah of rebuke), a student shouted out from across the classroom: “This is tokhehah leshem shamayim!” In this moment, with one eloquent and original phrase, this 7thgrader had connected the learning in our current unit of tokhehah with the concept of leshem shamayim (for the sake of heaven) from our previous unit of mahloket (disagreement). This delighted us because it showed that the concepts of mahloket we had been teaching were not just retained for the duration of our unit, or for a test, but were concepts students internalized, held on to, and could apply to new settings and used in unique ways.

Extending the Reach of Rabbinics
Morah M.’s 5th-grade class is curating a museum exhibit showcasing artifacts that represent family legacy and tradition. The items are described on a placard that explains: These candlesticks were my Bubby’s and now my mother and I use them for Shabbat. When I chose them, I thought of the story about R. Yehuda HaNasi that we learned (Ketubot 103a). Before he died, he told his family that they should continue to set the table the same way, keeping the lamp in its usual place. We’re sort of doing the same thing when we use Bubby’s candlesticks.

Talmud Education for Diverse Learners: Taking the “Long but Short” Road
Teaching Talmud to weaker students can present many challenges not typically found in traditional Gemara classes. Navigating a text in a foreign language, especially one with the unique structure and rules of the Talmud, can be daunting for those grappling with language-based difficulties. Educators must realistically decide which teaching method—skill-based or discussion-based—will best set diverse learners up for success, and how demanding a Talmud course should be for students not likely to pursue this type of Torah learning in the future.

Teaching Talmud Guided by Essential Questions
Standing at the edge of the sea can be an awe-filled experience—the incomprehensibly vast expanse of water with no end in sight is both inspiring and intimidating. We would not consider entering it, whether to swim, sail, surf, cruise, or dive without proper preparation. Similarly, the Sea of Talmud is rich with information, personalities, debates, and much more. It, too, can inspire and intimidate with its vastness and complexity, and we should not expect our students to be able to jump in and navigate it without context and a roadmap. To prepare our students as they embark on their journey into the Oral Torah, we need to define our goals and our strategies for achieving them.

An Alternative Approach for Teaching Talmud
In my first year of teaching, I taught a student whom we will call Yossi. From the time he started 1st grade reading groups, Yossi was placed in the lowest track. This pattern persisted through my 11th grade Gemara class. A few weeks into the first semester of 11th grade, Yossi approached me after class to ask me a burning question which he was embarrassed to ask in front of his peers. He asked, “Who is Rabbi Baraita?” I said, “What do you mean?” He responded, “My past teachers kept explaining ‘the Baraita says…’ Who is Rabbi Baraita and why is he referred to as the Baraita?”

“Wait, What?!” Teaching Jewish Law in a Reform Jewish School
As a teacher at Rodeph Sholom School (RSS), I have for some time considered what it means to teach Torah SheBe’al Peh in a Reform Jewish independent school. What I offer here is a taste of how my colleagues and I have strived to shape our 7th grade Rabbinics unit so that it is aligned with our school’s mission and meets the needs of our specific community of learners. And while every school is unique, I am hopeful that the insights I’ve gained from teaching one unit on the development of Jewish law are instructive for any Jewish day school grappling with teaching Torah SheBe’al Peh.

A Learner-Centered Approach to Teaching Gemara
Traditional methods of teaching Gemara, such as hevruta learning followed by an interactive shiur, have stood the test of time. When teaching beginner students, however, this approach is less common, given their lack of prior knowledge or skills. As a result, many teachers prefer a frontal approach, perhaps projecting the daf on the SMART board and presenting the text phrase-by-phrase while students take notes between the lines of the traditional Vilna text. If hevruta time is used, it is often for the students to review material rather than for them to try to decipher the text. In this article, we are going to propose a method for using a modified version of the traditional approach which can be used for learners starting out on their Gemara learning careers.
Fall 2023 Journal Credits
Jewish Educational Leadership is a publication of The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education of Bar Ilan University.
Chana German, Executive Director
Hyim Brandes | Editor
Zvi Grumet | Editor-in-Chief
Chevi Rubin | Editor
Shani Sicherman | Copyeditor
Please send correspondence regarding journal content to zvi@lookstein.org.
The Lookstein Center publications present a variety of viewpoints. The views expressed or implied in this publication are not necessarily those of the Center.
The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education
Bar-Ilan University
Ramat Gan 5290002 Israel
Tel: +972-3-531-8199
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© 2023 by The Lookstein Center for Jewish Education.
All rights reserved.
Why Learn Talmud? Why learn Torah at all? Why teach Jewish culture, history, or Hebrew language? Torah (which means both Torah Shebichtav and Torah Sheb’al Peh, which are inseparable and indivisible) is not just another discipline—it does not sit on the shelf next to mathematics, computer science, and biology. As explained by Rav Kook in the very first chapter of Orot HaKodesh, all human disciplines contribute to the understanding of the world, but Torah IS the world. Green, yellow, and blue are beautiful colors, but light contains them all. Other disciplines teach knowledge, Torah teaches existence. Other disciplines help us… Read more »
There is no question in my mind that Gemara study is an essential component of a Jewish education. The rationale behind much of lived Judaism cannot be gleaned from any other text. Broadly speaking, Halakha provides the How? and What? and Tanakh provides the Why? However, there is a gulf between Tanakh and Halakha that is bridged by Gemara. Without it, Halakha can appear dry, and require a spirit of obedience (kabalat ol) that is unfortunately rare in our age. An appreciation of the process of the halakhic development, of which Gemara is a central component, engages the students’ intellectual faculties, turning them into “insiders” who have first-hand exposure to the depth of Jewish practice.
I heard once of a piece of advice given to someone who was new to Judaism—whether they were a ba’al teshuva, a convert, or a young student isn’t particularly relevant. There are three pillars in Jewish learning that are essential for every Jew to set aside time to learn in order to be able to understand the Jewish people and be an active part within it. First is Tanakh, because we all must know our unique history. Second, is Jewish law, as a Jew has to know the complexities of how to live as a Jew. Lastly is Torah Sheba’al Peh, because this… Read more »
I have always found it curious that contemporary Jews seem to have adopted and accepted the label “People of the Book.” The term, of course, comes from Islamic law, which raises the question of whether a group ought to embrace a label imposed on it by another culture. More substantively, for contemporary American Jews, living in a culture deeply influenced by Protestantism and the ideal of sola scriptura, there’s an understandable attraction to the idea of a foundational text, but that misrepresents what Judaism is and has been for two millennia. Despite populist rhetoric about “Judeo-Christian values,” and of course despite… Read more »
Studying Talmud provides high school students with the opportunity to explore and connect with the bigger picture. They learn the how and the why about so many different mitzvot, something which is crucial to their growth, not only as independent learners but also as they build the foundations for their own spiritual lives. In particular, when students learn Talmud in a way which introduces them to the halakhic process, they can understand the big picture, starting from the roots to the branches, and eventually the entire tree. When one sees leaves that are shriveled up, they don’t water the leaves, rather the water and… Read more »
Human beings are multidimensional. We are rational, emotional, spiritual, moral, and social. When we study the conversations of the Talmud, we meet the entire range of those dimensions. The way we study Talmud helps us think more deeply about each dimension, develop ourselves in each of them, and give a sense of meaning in all of them.
Talmud is a dialogical text. Its form therefore invites students into dialogue with our tradition. It can serve as a mirror, helping students articulate their Jewish identities by putting their self-conceptions and ideas about the world in conversation with rich conversations that happened in the past.
All day school students should learn Gemara/rabbinic literature for any or all of the seven reasons enumerated below. While these reasons can all be seen as “religious,” they needn’t be approached as such; most are relevant to our diverse day schools’ goals for students from all Jewish backgrounds and levels of observance. To visualize this more clearly, they are divided here into three categories—intellectual, social-emotional, and spiritual. With a little imagination, two of these categories could be similarly applied to answer the question of why all American students should learn about the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. It is… Read more »
There are many reasons why day school students should learn Torah Sheba’al Peh, but I’ll focus on four reasons presented in two pairs. The first two reasons day school students should learn Torah Sheba’al Peh are that it’s fun and difficult. Logic puzzles, brain teasers, riddles—we all know the health and life benefits that come from stimulating the brain and forcing it to engage in new and different ways. Torah Sheba’al Peh at its best is cognitively rich and enriching. It activates us in ways that make us feel alive, challenged, and perplexed. Downstream positive effects include the grit required… Read more »
The Written Law (the Torah itself) remains an indecipherable and incomplete gift from God without the simultaneous study of Rabbinics. These foundational texts define our mission as a Jewish people and give a God-inspired paradigm for each of us to make meaning out of the world. The study of Rabbinics gives insights into the Divine system and how to apply it in our lives. However, the study of Gemara alone reflects only one approach to studying Judaism through a legal lens. While Gemara study has been critical for the survival of the Jewish people, our history demonstrates that only a… Read more »
Given that rabbinic literature is the bedrock of Jewish thought and practice, engaging with these texts provides an invaluable opportunity for our students to better understand the evolution of Jewish life, appreciate our unique intellectual tradition, immerse in ethical reflection, and unpack Jewish values. This process helps foster critical thinking, analytical skills, and a (hopefully!) deep appreciation for the beauty and uniqueness of Jewish thought. It should be made clear to students that the study of Gemara provides an opportunity for them to grapple with timeless moral, halakhic, and philosophical questions that remain relevant to their lives today and should… Read more »