Jewish Education Amidst Rising Antisemitism  volume 22:2 Winter 2024

A Letter From Ma’ayanot 📄

by | Jan 1, 2024 | Antisemitism 2024 update | 0 comments

Dear Students and Families,

Even as our hearts and minds are focused on distressing events unfolding in Israel, we are simultaneously following the alarming rise of Antisemitism in the United States.

Recently we have seen a new level of brazenness, vitriol, and even calls for violence on many college campuses. We are carefully monitoring the statements that universities have (or have not) issued, considering actions that college administrators have taken, and hearing directly from our alumni about their current experiences. We are extremely disappointed by many schools’ poor or absent efforts to ensure the safety and wellbeing of their Jewish students.
You know already that your daughters’ physical and emotional health is always our top priority. As we consider their futures, once they leave Ma’ayanot, we feel a responsibility to ensure that the universities we recommend and promote are places where they can thrive as students and as Jews. The current climate has caused us to change our approach to inviting college representatives to our school.
As we proceed through the admissions season, we will expect all universities who wish to recruit students at Ma’ayanot to provide a statement from their university leadership detailing their plans to protect and maintain the safety and security of our graduates on their campuses as Jews. We will continue to communicate our serious concerns about the environment on each college campus as events and responses continue to unfold.

At the same time, we are working to educate our students about the Israel climate on various campuses. Just as a thriving observant Jewish community is a vital factor, it is crucial to make sure that a college is a safe place for Jewish and pro-Israel students.

It is our hope that our collective efforts will help students make wise and informed choices about their future. We also hope that our stance might encourage universities to address the severity of the current situation more appropriately.
We thank you for your partnership as always, and are here to address any questions you may have.

CB Neugroschl
Head of School

Shira Heller
Associate Principal

Leebie Mallin
Director of College Guidance

Jackie Williams
College Guidance

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